Life as a freelance photo stylist/event designer/part time antique dealer has been a big adjustment. In the shop I knew what to expect from my schedule. I knew the hours and approximately knew the in and out of the $$$. So my new jobs come with the risk of not knowing when the next job will come, when the invoices will be paid, how to manage the income over time. I might have 3-4 jobs in one month and then nothing for a month. I love routine so you can imagine the transition has not been easy. I do love the adventure though and I've managed to stay busy (which should explain the lack of blogging).
This is the first house I styled for Southern Living (last December) and I have 2 features in the November issue too. I just completed 2 other projects for SL for next summer. Locally Savannah Magazine and Savannah Weddings has kept me busy as well. I will post things as they appear in print so you can see my handy work.